Quick Key Mobile works a lot like Netflix: in order to use the app you need to first create a username and password online. Accounts are free. You can create one at https://www.quickkeyapp.com/users/sign_up
Scanning bubble sheets is automatic, but first time users who want to jump right in might run into trouble because you do have to do some things correctly before you can scan. If you haven’t read any instructions and you are having trouble scanning a bubble sheet, try these help articles: https://intercom.help/quickkey/mobile-app-help-articles
Yes you can! Quick Key does quizzes online and on student devices, and also grades Google Forms, in addition to scanning paper bubble sheets.
You can chat with us live by clicking on the little green disc on the bottom right corner of this screen, or on any page on our Website, Web Application, or by pressing “Help” inside Quick Key Mobile.
You can call us at (800) 980-1636, or email us. We look forward to learning about your needs!