Quick Key for Schools
The easy, low-cost solution for data-driven instruction.
Online Assessments
Bubble Sheet Scanning
Item Bank
Easy On-Boarding
Chat with us to learn more about how Quick Key for Schools helps teachers improve learning outcomes in the classroom, while reducing their workload.

Why choose Quick Key for frequent classroom assessment?
Explore Quick Key use cases
Switching From Scantron
Moving to Digital Benchmark Assessments
Instructional differentiation using classroom feedback data

1-to-1 Device Quizzing

Send quizzes to student devices.
No sign-in or app installs needed.
Get an instant score and itemization report on your device
Mobile Grading

Give quizzes and tests on paper.
Grade the papers with your phone or tablet.
Get an instant score and itemization report on your device
Google Forms Grader

Turn Google Forms into Quick Key Quizzes.
Sync your Google Classroom Roster.
Use all your favorite Google Classroom Form tools.
Get an instant score and itemization report on your device
Use a phone or tablet to do rapid formative assessment in the classroom.
Use Common or Teacher-Made assessments. Track mastery in real time, and over time. Sync with Google Classroom and your LMS / SIS.

Managed Formative Assessment
Quick Key lets team leaders build & distribute common assessments to teacher teams, then roll-up the data.
Build assessments from our open OER question community with 300,000+ questions.

What do our partners say about Quick Key?

Amanda Fontenot
Principal, Lake Arthur High School
“Quick Key transformed our RTI process. Our PLC meetings became meaningful and delivered very significant quantifiable improvements in student achievement.”

Kristian Still
-Vice Principal, Wellington Academy, Wiltshire, UK
“Its what you learn about what students learnt (or didn’t learn) with the results from Quick Key, that make it so effective for our teachers.”

Jennifer Woodbury
Curriculum Coordinator, Cassia County School District
“We use Quick Key for benchmarks. The tool is allowing us to make the transition off of Scantron and on to a digital platform that gives us the reports we need. Quick Key has also given us a level of service we haven’t gotten from any other vendor and I think that is a big selling point.”

Dr. Karen Roseboro
Assistant Superintendent for School Transformation, Winston-Salem Forsyth County Schools
“We are so thankful to Quick Key for changing the way we do our instructional business, with real-time data … and student engagement is at an all time high.”

Interested in assessment solutions for your school?
Attend our Rapid Classroom Assessment Webinar and learn how this best practice is being used to improve student performance in the classroom and on state exams, PARCC, SAT and ACT.
Or sign up your school or district for a free trial implementation of Quick Key. You’ll get all of the benefits of Quick Key Pro SITE, including a dedicated account manager, training, professional development resources, and premium phone support, all for free (Leadership sponsor required).