The Teach Big Blog

The Teach Big Blog2018-02-14T04:11:35+00:00

EZ Grader for Mobile Devices

August 9th, 2016|

EZ Graders go mobileEZ grader is how Teresa Boulnois - a seventh grade ELA teacher in Charlotte, NC - describes Quick Key's mobile grading app platform. According to Boulnois, "When other teachers in the [...]

Are You Using the Right Tests?

April 15th, 2016|

James Popham's recent commentary in EdWeek is a clear reminder for educators to give serious thought to the purpose behind the kinds of formative evaluation they are administering to students. Popham argues [...]

What Should Assessments "Do"?

March 31st, 2016|

All the recent talk of assessments can leave teachers reeling. In her recent article, The Most Important Question Every Assessment Should Answer, Terry Heick clearly reveals a path for teachers [...]

Five Strategies for Effective Teaching

March 24th, 2016|

Most educators are eager to embrace best teaching strategies. However, with all the noise in the field of education today, it isn't always easy to figure out which teaching strategies are [...]