Easy online quizzes and tests for remote learning
Plus: scan paper bubble sheets with your mobile device
1-minute setup with Google Classroom
Give your first quiz in less than 10 minutes in 3 easy steps

Remote & Distance Learning
Give remote online quizzes and tests
Through student mobile devices, computers, and Chromebook

Scan bubble sheets with your phone
Quickly zero-in on student learning gaps with by-student and by-question reports instantly on your phone. No Internet required.
Or send your quiz to your students’ Chromebook or mobile devices.
1-to-1 Device Quizzing

Send quizzes to student devices. No sign-in or app installs needed. Get an instant score and itemization report on your device
Mobile Paper Grading

Give quizzes and tests on paper.
Grade the papers with your phone or tablet.
Get an instant score and itemization report on your device
Question Xchange Community

Share questions with fellow teachers and access over 200,000 questions, many of them aligned to standard, subject, and level.
Some of our Partners

Quick Key teachers have created over…
Get the free mobile grading app now: choose your platform
What educators are saying about Quick Key:
Dr. Avis B. Williams
Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction, Tuscaloosa City Schools
“Quick Key gives our district schools and teachers a tool that makes it easy to give students meaningful, immediate feedback, as well as the ability to use feedback data to inform instruction. Quick Key does this while also saving time, and being so simple to use that nearly every teacher has gotten on-board.”

Anthony Bennett
Vice Principal, Archbishop Sentamu Academy, Hull
“Quick Key’s mobile marking app allows our teachers to grade a class set of assessments in under 2 minutes with perfect accuracy. Instant profiles of knowledge and understanding permit for immediate feedback & personalized learning. Precisely because of it’s simplicity and power, Quick Key has revolutionized our classrooms.”

Julie Ingwersen
Database & Office Operations Coordinator, Idaho Virtual Academy
“After many years of using an unreliable Scantron machine, we are ecstatic to have implemented Quick Key’s mobile grading app as our solution! Walter and his team have been superb to work with and found creative solutions for our unique needs. I would recommend Quick Key to any virtual academy, or traditional school district in a heartbeat!”

With Quick Key’s mobile grading app, school leaders and teachers can measure student progress instantly and over time. This is formative assessment … supercharged.
For Teachers: Fast Marking. Mobile Grading.
Quick Key’s mobile grading app makes measuring learning objectives effortless, and marking a breeze. Use a mobile device or school-issued tablet to grade 100 paper exit tickets, quizzes, formative assessments, benchmark or unit exams in less than 5 minutes. Give students instant feedback, and get instant data to inform instruction.
For School leaders: unprecedented access to frequent formative assessment data.
Now you can enable data-driven instruction in every classroom, by all teachers, without costly hardware, network upgrades, or extensive training. Invented by a teacher, backed by teachers on Kickstarter, Quick Key is one technology tool your teachers will love to use.
Quick Key’s mobile grading app is one piece of a rapid feedback platform that makes tracking student progress effortless, using real-time data. Quick Key was built to serve schools transitioning from paper to digital, as well as 100% 1-to-1 environments.
Find out why administrators and teachers in over 50 countries are using Quick Key right now, to save time and improve student achievement.