Personalized learning and tech in the classroom boost student achievment
The Digital Revolution is Coming to the Classroom by Lauren Camera Students can make big academic gain is if enrolled in schools that offer [...]
Would you lend Quick Key a hand?
We are asking our community of educators to help us make improvements at Quick Key. Please take a few moments to fill out our brief survey. As a thank-you, you [...]
Quick Key and Chromebooks in the Classroom
In a recent article, Education Week explained the recent dramatic increase in the use of Chromebooks in U.S. schools. An increasing call from teachers for online assessment options and the [...]
Exit Tickets Enhance Student Metacognition
At Quick Key, we are big fans of frequent formative assessment. We certainly see the value in those summative assessments that allow us to see how much our students have [...]
Go Back to School with Quick Key!
There is nothing quite like the excitement of the first few weeks of the school year- all of those fresh, eager faces, new books, a clean slate... However, for many [...]
Short Formative Assessment Improves Student Achievement
In case you've missed it, numerous studies have shown that short, frequent formative assessment (like Exit Tickets) is one of the most powerful ways any teacher can improve student performance. [...]
Best Mobile Scanning: Micro Quick Tickets
Kristian Still from Wellington Academy in the UK has been experimenting with Quick Key for over a year now, and he is blogging about his and his school's experiences on [...]
Get a Free Month of Mobile & Online Quizzing
Quick Key is the only product that lets you instantly make, scan, and score paper quizzes with your phone or tablet, even if your device is not connected to the [...]
Join Us! Online Quiz App Hangout
Register for this event: Join Quick Key's CEO - Isaac D. Van Wesep - On August 18th at 3pm Eastern Time to learn about and give feedback on Quick [...]
Building Your Classroom Environment
The beginning of the school year is an exciting time for students and teachers alike. As teachers, we know that a strong start to the school year begins with creating [...]
Quick Key Users Digitally Scan More than 1 Million Formative Assessments
BOSTON (May 28, 2015) – Quick Key, the mobile assessment software that improves student performance and eliminates hand grading, has reached 1 million assessments scanned. By using formative assessments to [...]
Help Us Celebrate 1 Million Quizzes Scanned!
We are closing in on one million quizzes graded with Quick Key! Our excitement is growing as we watch the live quiz scan counter on our home page. Each day [...]