As a certified teacher in the state of Massachusetts I have learned a tremendous amount in different graduate school classes and professional development sessions. However, the most important things I have learned have come from my fellow teachers and from experiences in the classroom. The Notes from the Chalkboard Blog is where I will share some of those hard won lessons. So without further ado, here are some of my notes from the chalkboard…..


Walter Duncan is a 15-year veteran K-12 teacher. His students were ranked in the top 15% of all Massachusetts Public School students on MCAS ELA in 2012. He has deep experience getting the best out of his kids in inner-city school districts such as Detroit, Washington DC, and Boston. Additionally he is the co-founder of Design By Educators the makers of the Quick Key Mobile app, a social impact company that seeks to empower teachers to more effectively close the achievement gap. The free Open Beta version of the Quick Key is available on the Quick Key Homepage.  

We Must Be Gladiators for our Students!

It is not enough to just teach anymore. There are so many decisions being made about education by those with little to no experience in the classroom. As teachers, we need to step up and make sure our voices are being heard in the rooms where decisions are being made that impact the future of all students. I recently completed a fun interview with a teacher in Ontario, Canada, Dave Pluscauskas, who has created a platform for teachers to be respected and heard. Please check it out! If you stick around to the end you can even here me freestyle 🙂