by Marlon Davis, Ed.M.
Why you need an app for Entry and Exit Tickets.
Grading your Exit and Entry Tickets using some kind of digital grader not only saves you a TON of time, it gives you actionable data that is far more useful than written responses that you have to remember or write down in order to use. There are several easy-to-use and inexpensive (even free) apps out there that make digital Entry and Exit tickets a snap.
What are entry and exit tickets and why should I be doing them in the first place?
Entry and exit tickets are short, simple checks for understanding that are given at the start of a lesson (entry tickets) or at the end of a lesson (exit tickets). In both cases, entry and exit tickets are meant to give both the teacher and the student more insight and feedback about what students have learned, and where they still have learning gaps. Creating and administering entry and exit tickets is easier when you use an app to create the tickets, collect the data, and provide feedback to yourself and your students.
How teachers use digital assessment apps for Entry and Exit Tickets
- Create entry and exit tickets in a piece of software so you can save them and use them again in the next semester.
- Collect and analyze the responses without hand-grading, transcribing, or remembering student responses
- Scan paper bubble sheets at students’ desks with your phone or table and get an instant report on your device that shows you which questions most students missed and which students missed most of the questions.
- Send Entry and Exit Tickets to students’ Chromebooks or iPads. Some apps then let you see the results immediately on your own mobile device.
Learn more about how to create and administer entry and exit tickets, and use the data they provide.

About the Author
Marlon Davis is a school turnaround specialist who trains principals on leadership, parent involvement, change management, and data-driven instruction. A former teacher, school principal and charter school executive director in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Mr. Davis holds an M.Ed. in education leadership from the Harvard University Graduate School of Education.