
November 2017

Formative Assessment Tools that Truly Inform Instruction

By |2017-11-22T21:23:22+00:00November 22nd, 2017|

Is Assessment for Learning any different from testing? Yes indeed! According to the National Council of Teachers of English, “Well over a decade into federal education policy that endows significant consequences to single tests of student achievement too late in the academic year to lead to any action, teachers might be pleased that the term [...]

Using the Chrome Plugin version of our digital quiz app? update to the latest version.

By |2017-11-14T23:51:10+00:00November 14th, 2017|

Using the Chrome Plugin version of our digital quiz app? update to the latest version to get all of the new features and benefits of the latest version of the app (which is also available to students at student.quickkeyapp.com) Here's how to update your Chrome plugins: https://www.howtogeek.com/64525/how-to-manually-force-google-chrome-to-update-extensions/

October 2017

Quick Key wins 2nd Place at Flatley Challenge Business Pitch Competition

By |2017-10-25T13:02:32+00:00October 25th, 2017|

Quick Key CEO Isaac D. Van Wesep presented the Company's 5-minute business pitch at the Flatley Challenge business pitch competition on October 24th, 2017, winning 2nd place. In attendance were investors, entrepreneurs, and other interested guests from the Flatley business complex in Nashua, NH.  Mr. Van Wesep presented the company's mission, product, competitive space, business model [...]

Join Quick Key at the MIT Enterprise Forum on December 11, 2017

By |2017-10-25T12:50:12+00:00October 25th, 2017|

Quick Key CEO Isaac D. Van Wesep will be presenting Quick Key's new 'iTunes for Assessment' platform model to the MIT Enterprise Forum's (MITEF) Launch Smart Clinic on December 11, 2017. According to MITEF, "At the EdTech Themed Launch Smart Clinic, startups present a 20-minute pitch for feedback from our panel of experts + the audience." [...]

September 2017

Quick Key is Part of TiE ScaleUp Cohort 4

By |2017-09-28T10:07:41+00:00September 28th, 2017|

I am proud to announce that Design by Educators, Inc. (DBE, the maker of Quick Key) has been accepted to TiE Boston's ScaleUp accelerator, Cohort 4. TiE ScaleUp is a highly-competitive accelerator for Boston-area companies that are beginning to scale their businesses. Cohort 4 is focused on software platform companies. DBE is in this group because [...]

New Bubble Sheets Coming on September 23, 2017

By |2017-09-15T09:44:05+00:00September 15th, 2017|

New Improved Bubble Sheets to be Released on Sep. 23, 2017 I have some exciting news: we have been working on improved bubble sheets for Quick Key over the summer, and on September 23rd, 2017 we are going to release updated mobile apps that use the new sheets. We will also be replacing the old sheets [...]

Quick Key Back to School Offer & Prize Drawing Fall 2017

By |2017-09-14T13:31:03+00:00September 14th, 2017|

It's time to Celebrate! To celebrate Back to School 2017 - as well as Quick Key's new and upcoming features & benefits, we are doing a giveaway  :-D  We have partnered with S&S Worldwide, the uber webstore for school supplies to give away a $250 gift card to www.ssww.com How to enter to win the $250 [...]

December 2016

Vanderbilt Center for Teaching: How to write great multiple-choice questions

By |2016-12-21T09:38:26+00:00December 21st, 2016|

Multiple Choice is a highly effective form of assessment Multiple choice questions have the benefit of being able to be quickly graded and to provide analyzable data to educators and students. But a lot of non-educators think of multiple-choice questions as "multiple guess," with no real benefit except expediency for the teacher. Most educators know this couldn't be [...]

Walter Duncan moderates Learn Launch panel "Building a Diverse Workforce in Ed-Tech"

By |2016-12-16T14:50:27+00:00December 16th, 2016|

Learn Launch: promoting a diverse workforceOur home town of Boston, Massachusetts is fortunate to also be the home of some of the biggest names in education publishing, like Pearson, Scholastic, and HMH. And Since 2012, an organization called Learn Launch has made Boston into a center for ed-tech entrepreneurship, too. Learn Launch is also committed to building a diverse [...]

September 2016

Why Do So Many Great Teachers Hate Data Driven Instruction?

By |2016-09-01T14:16:00+00:00September 1st, 2016|

My Data Driven Instruction NightmareThursday morning, and it was cold. The day, designated for professional development. It was my first year at a high performing, "no excuses" charter school. The results were in from our first benchmark exam of the year. I sat, a little uneasy, knowing that my colleagues and I we were being judged [...]