New Feature: Individual Student Itemization Reports
You asked and we listened!Now you can generate individual itemization reports for each student who took a Quick Key Quiz or Test. You asked for this because you wanted to [...]
Multiple Choice Item Bank and Quiz Builder Resource
Question Item Bank for Assessment for LearningIn part one of this series Multiple Choice Questions Based on Blooms Taxonomy. We examined concerns around the validity of multiple choice questions and recommended [...]
5 Resources for Building Healthier Classroom Relationships
Healthy Classroom Relationships Contribute to Higher Academic Achievement"Building positive classroom relationships has a major impact on a student’s academic and behavioral success. When students believe that their teacher values and [...]
The Teacher Toolkit: A Great Exit Ticket Primer for New Teachers
Are you a new teacher? Imagine this: One morning, after Thanksgiving, you walk into class, take a look through the turned-in homework assignments on your desk, and you discover [...]
Are Your Students #NumeracyNinjas ?
If you love learning about new ways to help you be creative and student-focused in a data-driven world, you might want to check out Numeracy Ninjas. The brainchild of Math [...]
Math Teacher Resources From Math Coach's Corner
Teacher Resources as Good as Texas Brisket!I would characterize my discovery Donna Boucher's "Math Coach's Corner" blog, as similar to the first time I ate brisket in Texas. I knew I [...]
Why Do So Many Great Teachers Hate Data Driven Instruction?
My Data Driven Instruction NightmareThursday morning, and it was cold. The day, designated for professional development. It was my first year at a high performing, "no excuses" charter school. The [...]
Formative Assessment Tools that Truly Inform Instruction
Is Assessment for Learning any different from testing? Yes indeed! According to the National Council of Teachers of English, "Well over a decade into federal education policy that endows significant [...]
Enio De Aragon's Blog: a solid resource for Teach BIG technology
If you love learning about new teaching technologies that help you be creative and student-focused in a data-driven world, you might want to sign up to the email newsletter of [...]
UK Teachers: Stressed out and Walking Away From the Profession
Photograph: Christopher Thomond for the Guardian 98% of UK teachers are under increasing stress and 82% say their workload is unmanageable The Guardian recently published a survey highlighting [...]
Jeff Davis Interviews Quick Key's CEO
Jeff Davis, host of the radio show Radio Entrepreneurs, interviewed Isaac D. Van Wesep - Quick Key's President and CEO - on Wednesday August 17, 2016. Isaac was invited to [...]
Lesson Friend: a resource for Common Core lessons and assessments for elementary teachers
If you teach 1st, 2nd, or 3rd grade and you are looking for Common Core aligned lessons and assessments, you may find joy at Lesson Friend. Lesson Friend has hundreds of [...]